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You are the only hero who can save our planet.

AIoT solution for heroes protecting the planet


It is a smart AIoT solution for a separate collection of recyclable materials

that influences people and companies to join through mobile app

and our 'WeBin' and also provides a variety of reward systems.

Easy and Convenient for use

Scan a QR code!



New policy or high-tech equiment alone can not save our planet.

You can be our hero.

AIoT solution for heroes protecting the planet

It is a smart AIoT solution for a separate collection of recyclable materials that influences people and companies to join through mobile app and our 'WeBin' and also provides a variety of reward systems.

Easy and convenient for use

Scan a QR code!

Scan a barcode!

Get rewards!

Now It is NationWide, come join us!

Apartment residential complex, government office, community center, tourist attraction, hypermarket, retail store, square, etc.

Now It is NationWide, come join us!

Apartment residential complex, government office, community center, tourist attraction, hypermarket, retail store, square, etc.

Build your city smarter with your own behavior!

Your participation will make the city cleaner and smarter.
Participation information is aggregated so that management agencies can more easily collect recyclables.
Create a smarter and cleaner city with features for smart cities.

Build your city smarter with

your own behavior!

Your participation will make the city cleaner and smarter. Participation information is aggregated so that management agencies can more easily collect recyclables. Create a smarter and cleaner city with features for smart cities.


Our tomorrow, that's what we must protect together!

Environmental problems are coming to our tomorrow. An earth that has already been polluted is very difficult to recover.
So our tomorrow and today, the Earth needs more heroes, you.

‘Today’s Recycle’ supports and supports our heroes. Please protect tomorrow with us.

Stop plan it,

It is our time to protect our planet!

Environmental issues are threatening our future. It is hard to recover the environment once polluted.

That's why we need more heroes for our planet,

who is you.

Introduce it in your region and make a difference!

Download the application from the ‘Play Store’ or ‘APP Store’. And try using a local bin close to you.

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